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Rotary Club of Fort Myers - Sunrise

Scarecrows in the Park Fundraiser

Last 3 Weekends in October

Parking at Lakes Park

Our club’s participation in Scarecrows in the Park starts in one month.  This is a significant fundraiser for us and helps us fund our projects throughout the year.  As in years past, our participation is for three weekends and begins on Friday October 13.  Our final day will be Sunday October 29.

Lakes Park charges a $3 parking fee for this event and our job is to collect it for them.  This is a fun and exciting time of the year and we will be outside, stationed at the front gate as you enter the park from Gladiolus Drive.  The park will be decorated for Halloween and will be attended by many families with small children.  We will accept cash or credit cards (via our phones) and each interaction will typically last about one minute or less.

We always need lots of help over the three weekends.  This year, we will be partnering with the new Babcock Ranch club and they have already signed up for 25 slots.  That still leaves plenty to fill over the three weekends.  Remember, you can bring family, friends and students needing volunteer hours.  A volunteer does not need to be a Rotarian to help.

The sign-up link: https://volunteersignup.org/R8Y9R

Please visit the link and start signing up.  This is one of the fun things we do.

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