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W. Brent Cox, Jr CFE

Featured Speaker for August 31st Meeting:

W. Brent Cox, Jr CFE

Former FBI Agent and Private Investigator

SA Cox entered duty with the FBI on 8/2/1998. After graduation, he reported to the San Antonio Division, McAllen RA, where he worked on drugs and public corruption matters until 9/11/2001. He transferred to the National Security Branch and was a full-time bureau pilot with the Special Operations Group.

In 2004, SA Cox transferred to the Tampa Division, Fort Myers, RA, where he started the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). In 2009, SA Cox was assigned to the Intelligence Division, and in 2010, he was transferred to the Cyber Division, where he expanded the Innocent Images Task Force and battled child pornography.

In 2014, he was transferred to white-collar crimes working public corruption, healthcare fraud, and financial crimes. SA Cox completed a tour of duty in Iraq on behalf of the FBI in 2005.

Crowne Plaza | Fort Myers Sunrise Rotary Meeting Location


Join us on Wednesday at the Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops
13051 Bell Tower Drive, FL, 33907

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