Featured Speaker for August 28th Meeting:
Bob Anthony
Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group
Bob Anthony chairs the Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group (RAGMHI) for Rotary International (RI). RI made the eradication of polio practical by its trusted presence in the form of Rotary members in 200 countries. Today its RAGHMI members help all communities break stigma, raise awareness, and increase capacity for early treatment and prevention of behavioral health challenges. Bob has personally facilitated implementation of behavioral health projects in the USA, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, India and Nigeria.
Bob is also the Executive Director of Adolescent Wellness, Inc. (AWI), a 501c3 non-profit he founded in 2005. AWI promotes development and wider implementation of practical resources to prevent mood disorders and prompt earlier treatment.
His professional career as an executive in the tech industry focused on systems integration and his education included an MBA from DeVry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management. He retired to Naples, Florida with his wife, Nancy. They have two sons and two grandchildren.