Featured Speaker: Tom D’Amore

Featured Speaker for September 11th Meeting: Tom D'Amore Remembering September 11th Tom D’Amore retired from JP Morgan Chase Bank several years ago. He was an Executive Director and Market Director and spent 44 years of his life with the bank. Tom lives in Naples, Florida where he is enjoying retirement with his wife, traveling and enjoying all those things he never had time for during his career. On September 11, 2001, Tom was working in New York City managing the JP Morgan Chase branch at the One Chase Tower by the World Trade Center. Tom hasn’t shared his story often but he has shared bits and pieces over the years and although there are things that everyone knows about that fateful day (all the statistics), Tom will share some of the things that he witnessed and, following that day, played a part of. WEEKLY SUNRISE MEETING [...]

Featured Speaker: Meg Middaugh

Featured Speaker for September 4th Meeting: Meg Middaugh Board Member - Living Well Mission Meg Middaugh, a long-time resident of Fort Myers for over 35 years, is a dedicated Board Member of Living Well Mission (LWM), a non-profit organization in Fort Myers. Her commitment to the board stems from a deep belief in supporting programs that offer life-changing solutions. Living Well Mission (LWM) is a non-profit (501c3) organization, primarily funded by private donations. Its mission is to provide accessible mental health therapy to individuals, regardless of their insurance status or financial capability. Links to applications for assistance are available on the LWM website and in printed materials. Anyone can fill out and submit an application, which is then confidentially evaluated for need. Applicants are contacted within 72 hours, and assistance approval is based on need, not income. This includes those who are employed and may have insurance but still struggle to afford mental [...]

Featured Speaker: Bob Anthony

Featured Speaker for August 28th Meeting: Bob Anthony Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group Bob Anthony chairs the Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group (RAGMHI) for Rotary International (RI). RI made the eradication of polio practical by its trusted presence in the form of Rotary members in 200 countries. Today its RAGHMI members help all communities break stigma, raise awareness, and increase capacity for early treatment and prevention of behavioral health challenges. Bob has personally facilitated implementation of behavioral health projects in the USA, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, India and Nigeria. Bob is also the Executive Director of Adolescent Wellness, Inc. (AWI), a 501c3 non-profit he founded in 2005. AWI promotes development and wider implementation of practical resources to prevent mood disorders and prompt earlier treatment. His professional career as an executive in the tech industry focused on systems integration and his education included an MBA from DeVry University's Keller Graduate School of [...]

Featured Speaker: Annie Campbell

Featured Speaker for August 21st Meeting: Annie Campbell Area 3 Governor Director - Rotary District 6960 Annie Campbell currently serves as Rotary District 6960’s Area 3 Governor Director and is also the Director of Development at The Heights Foundation.  She began working at Heights in July 2022. Annie served as the 2022-2023 President of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva and is currently on the board of directors for the Harlem Heights Community Charter School and Eva’s Closet and Foundation. She is a graduate of the Charitable Foundation of the Islands 2022 Leadership Sanibel-Captiva class. Prior to her position at The Heights Foundation, Annie served as the Development Director for BIG ARTS on Sanibel, PACE Center for Girls in Immokalee, SWFL March of Dimes, and Disability Network Northern Michigan.  Annie has served on several nonprofit boards, including: the Board of Directors for Child and Family Services, Artists Creating Together, Third Level Crisis Center, and [...]

Featured Speaker: Honourable Bryon Wilfert

Featured Speaker for August 14th Meeting: Honourable Bryon Wilfert The Role of Congressional/Parliamentary Audit/Oversight to Fight Corruption The Honourable Bryon Wilfert served for 14 Member of Parliament. He served as Junior Minister of the Environment, as well as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and National Defence. Bryon holds a Master of Arts in Political Economy (U of T), Institute of Corporate Directors designation (ICD.D) (U of T – Rotman School). He was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun – Gold/Silver Star from His Imperial Majesty and the Prime Minister of Japan for his tireless work on Canada/Japan relations. He also holds Gold & Diamond Jubilee Medals from Queen Elizabeth II. Rotary Paul Harris Pins  5+. He is Senior Associate at Tactix Government Relations & Public Affairs in Ottawa. Vice Chairman of TREG Developments Inc. Bryon serves as Honorary Consul for Mongolia and Special Advisor to the Business Council of Mongolia. [...]

Featured Speaker: Candy Chapman

Featured Speaker for August 7th Meeting: Candy Chapman Lieutenant - Lee County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant Candy Chapman joined Lee County Sheriff’s Office in June of 2003 as a Corrections Deputy. Candy’s duties as a Corrections Deputy included the care, custody, and control of inmates in her assigned area during their daily activities. Candy attended and passed The Southwest Florida Public Service Academy’s crossover from Corrections to Law Enforcement Class, passing the state exam in 2006. In January of 2015, Candy was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Corrections Bureau. Her duties as a Sergeant within the Corrections Bureau were to supervise a shift, direct operations, prepare performance evaluations, inmate releases, oversee facility security and sanitation, and perform daily inspections of the facility. In February of 2022, Candy was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Corrections Bureau and was assigned to the Services Division. There, she oversees contracted staff for [...]

Featured Speaker: Anthony Tocci

Featured Speaker for July 31st Meeting: Anthony Tocci DACdb - Ignite Mobile App Training Join us Wednesday, July 31st for an Ignite mobile app training session hosted by Anthony Tocci. With the Ignite app, you can add DACdb volunteer events to your calendar, communicate with push notifications, pay invoices on your phone, and more! Materials for Meeting: WEEKLY SUNRISE MEETING Join us on Wednesday at the Doubletree Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops 13051 Bell Tower Drive, FL, 33907 Can't Make it? Join our Zoom Meeting - 2 Ways to Join ONE Click on the link to our ZOOM ROOM below. With this method you can join via a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or phone. If you use a desktop or laptop you can use your regular browser or download the Zoom App [...]

Featured Speaker: Martin Schappell

Featured Speaker for July 24th Meeting: Martin Schappell President & CEO - Shell Point Retirement Community Martin Schappell is the President and CEO of Shell Point Retirement Community, where he has served since 2016. Shell Point is the largest single-site continuing care retirement community in the country with over 2,500 residents and 1,200 employees. Across its 700-acre campus in Fort Myers, Florida, residents enjoy an active lifestyle with the many amenities and programs offered. Along with this engaged lifestyle, residents also receive the security of lifecare. Prior to his current position, Martin was the Senior Vice President of the Behavioral Division of Universal Health Services, Inc. for over 16 years. In his role with UHS, Martin provided strategic and operational leadership for behavioral hospitals throughout the country. Martin has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Rollins College and a Masters in Education in Counseling from Georgia State University. [...]

Featured Speaker: John Bodner

Featured Speaker for July 17th Meeting: John Bodner Lee County Clerk's Office John Bodner currently serves as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Lee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. In his role, Bodner is responsible for overseeing special projects designed to enhance the efficiency of office operations. He is also responsible for identifying new legislative initiatives and the implementation of newly signed legislation for the organization. Bodner previously served as Assistant County Administrator of Lancaster County, SC, where he led numerous departments, countywide special projects and championed strategic planning and fiscally responsible budgeting practices. In Florida, John served as the Chief Financial Officer for the Lee County Tax Collector, overseeing the collection of $1.8 billion in taxes and fees that support Lee County municipalities and taxing authorities. Bodner is actively involved in his community and has served on many boards and committees, including the Kentucky Project Management Institute Advisory Board, [...]

Featured Speaker: Brian Hemingway

Featured Speaker for July 10th Meeting: Brian Hemingway Executive Director - JPMorgan Chase & Co. Brian Hemingway is an Executive Director within the Cybersecurity & Technology Controls (CTC) organization. He leads the firm's Exercises and Social Engineering team, responsible for managing internal and industry cyber exercises, internal social engineering programs, and client cyber engagements. He works closely with business and technology leaders to deliver targeted engagements that lead to measurable improvements across the firm’s people, process, and technology controls. Additionally, Brian is responsible for educating JPMC clients on best practices in Cybersecurity & Fraud Prevention by delivering presentations, facilitating cyber playbook development workshops, and conducting tabletop exercises to test organizational readiness and the efficacy of cyber playbooks. Brian joined the firm in 2015 following a 20-year career with the U.S. Air Force where he served as an Intelligence Officer at various levels to include: fighter wing, air operations center, national intelligence agencies, and [...]

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