Featured Speaker: John Cirrito – Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust | Wed. July 22nd at 8:00 am

This Week's Featured Speaker: John Cirrito Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust Wed. July 22nd at 8:00am Dr. John Cirrito Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri Dr. John Cirrito is excited about sharing CART research - A project of the Rotary Clubs of North America Click to learn how to join the Zoon Meeting

Board Meeting

Join us for our 2020 BOARD MEETING ZOOM MEETINGS - 3 WAYS TO JOIN ONE Click on the link to our ZOOM ROOM below. With this method you can join via a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or phone. If you use a desktop or laptop you can use your regular browser or download the Zoom App for your computer. If you plan to join via a tablet or phone, you must download the application from your phone provider's App store. Sunrise ZOOM Room TWO Click on the link below and and enter Meeting ID: 465 653 4071 Sunrise ZOOM Room THREE Dial in by phone: Call 929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID: 465 653 4071 when prompted. CALL NOW

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